The Twelve Trials of Triskelion (2014) Week 09!

Week 09

Twelve Trials 2014 – Review Hunt – Ficlet a Day

The ninth week of the Twelve Trials of Triskelion (2014 edition) is upon us, Thralls!

Week 09 is the Review Hunt – Ficlet a day challenge!  Ever notice just how good our review statistics are? Well, here is a chance to nudge those even higher! Just like the standard review hunt, the score will be word count plus bonus, and this year the master list will be one rec for another story and one rec for your own.

C’mon,and give your fellow authors some review love!

Have fun, Thralls.

The Twelve Trials of Triskelion (2014) Week 09!

Shanna’s Kiss Review: Good use of lower lip in particular, but breath was slightly redolent of those little colored cubes he eats. 7.3.

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